NFPA 80 Compliant Fire Door Repairs
Fire Door Repairs
Following the fire door inspection in your facility, you will be provided with a detailed list of deficiencies that will need to be repaired. LSS offers fire and smoke door repairs based on NFPA 80. For example, below are minor fire door repairs that occur frequently:
- Gap adjustment
- Installation of smoke seals
- Hinge replacement
- Silencer replacements
- Strikes for locksets and panics
In the event that the fire door cannot be repaired, our expert technicians will assess the door and provide all the necessary information. Altogether, you’ll have the information needed to make an informed decision about complete fire door replacement or major repair.
90% of fire rated doors inspected are not in compliance with NFPA 80 (Per LSS inspection data)
Top Fire Door and Smoke Door Deficiencies:
- Painted or missing fire door labels
- Poor clearance dimensions around the perimeter of the door in the closed position
- Kick down door holders
- Auxiliary hardware items that interfere with the intended function of the door (barrel bolts and deadbolts, etc.)
- Fire doors blocked to stay in the open position
- Area surrounding the fire door assembly blocked by furniture, equipment, and/or boxes
- Broken, defective or missing hardware items (latch bolt, and/or strike plate, closer arms, cover plates, etc.)
- Fire exit hardware installed on doors that are not labeled for use with fire exit hardware
- Missing or incorrect fasteners
- Bottom flush bolts that do not project ½” into the strike
Fire Door Commissioning
During the commissioning and retro-commissioning process of fire doors, LSS will perform our complete detailed fire door inspection. In this case, the fire door certification commissioning report will include:
- Detailed inventory of the location, rating of every fire and smoke door
- Door functional checklist
- Details regarding specifications and how they relate to the frames, doors, hinges/pivots, door bolts, locks, door closers, panic hardware, astragals, and numerous other door and frame components
- Digital pictures of deficiencies discovered during the commissioning process