Fire Door Inspection Service

Fire door inspections are an integral part of your building’s overall fire protection system. A properly operating fire-rated door, just like a properly operating fire damper, is a key component to the compartmentalization of a building to stop the spread of deadly fire, smoke and toxic fumes. Your facility is at risk if the fire door assembly isn’t working properly. Fire door inspections ensure your fire doors are safe and in working order during a fire.

Fire Door Testing

Annual inspections were introduced with the adoption of the 2007 Edition of NFPA 80. The newest standard requires that fire-rated doors be tested for functionality no less than annually and that a written record of the inspection be kept on file for the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). LSS’ protocol is one of the industry’s most detailed. Our team ensures that your fire doors are code-compliant and working properly and provides proof for your AHJ with the best report in the business. Our web-based report includes the following:

  • Detailed project statistics
    • Total number of fire doors with a complete breakdown of NFPA 80 code compliant vs. non-compliant doors
    • Total number of fire doors with door ratings (20-minute, 30-minute, 45, minute and 90-minute fire doors)
    • Most common reasons for non-compliance
    • A complete inventory of fire doors and their locations per floor and building
  • Detailed Inventory of all the facility’s fire doors (including but not limited to):
    • Door location, number, rating, door handing, reasons for non-compliance.
    • Digital Documentation of non-compliant issues to provide AHJs and the facility’s insurance providers.
    • Fire Door repairs available, including adjustments to gaps, installing missing screws, repairing holes in the door/frame, silencers, gasketing, etc. including complete fire door replacement.
    • Fire door labeling available in the event that a fire door is missing a label or painted over

LSS technicians hold multiple certifications from industry-best organizations such as the Door and Hardware Institute and the International Fire Door Inspector Association. To learn more about our credentials, contact us today.