Fire Door Labeling Requirements
Fire Rated Door Labels
According to our inspection data, painted or missing fire rated door labels are two of the top ten reasons for deficiencies in fire doors and frames. NFPA 80 requires that all fire door openings (both doors and frames) have a fire rated certification label. Labels must be visible and clearly legible for the AHJ. In addition, labels should not be removed or painted over during the life of the building.
Fire Door Tags
LSS can help coordinate fire door recertification with one of the few fire door certification entities in the country. Technicians will analyze and review the material and construction of the three major components of the fire door assembly – the door, the frame, and the kick plate. In the final analysis, they will apply the appropriate time-rated label as required by code.

13 Point Inspection Checklist For Fire Doors – LSS Life Safety Services®
Review additional maintenance and inspection procedures here. Contact our team today.